Tuesday, 24 June 2014

At last...

...i am moving to the countryside !

Finally we are moving - just a few years in the planning but this time next week we will be settling into out new home in the beautiful Cambridgeshire countryside.

We are renting this stunning Coach House - a complete change to the views of urban South East London!

not the whole house....just the closest half up to the garage door!
Enough about our new HQ.....what a couple of weeks we have had at both the Wealden Times Midsummer Fair and BBC Good Food Summer.

First up was the Midsummer Fair in lovely Hole Park, Benenden, Kent - always a beautiful fair - so many pretty, unique and just gorgeous items to buy from very talented crafts folk and store owners.
I had a few minutes to take a peek around and took some of these pooch pics as there was a bountiful number of perfect pooches scattered around - real and not!

the best smelling pooch ever!

Amazing ironwork......

just loved these statues

Onwards towards Birmingham and the BBC Good Food Show Summer (inc gardeners World Live) - i love this event! So many nice stallholders, customers and food!

It was great to catch up and snaffle more fabulous Gower Cottage Brownies (www.gowercottagebrownies.co.uk) mmmmmmmm - so delicious! And Kate is just as crackers as we are - so always a chortle-fest on the stand!

We met MasterChef winner Mat Follas - what a lovely chap, along with his assistant chef Katy who was also just lovely. 

mini milk bottles soon to be in his restaurant.....

 And here was my lunch from the show - this is the reason he is a MasterChef! just delicious......catch him on the MasterChef street food bus at a food festival near you!  www.matfollas.com

Queenie Scallops with steamed rice

The beautiful Lisa Faulkner paid a couple of visits to the stand - added to her collection of Piquot Ware (soon to be seen in her newest book coming out soon!) Not only a fabulous actress and an amazing chef but a truly lovely lady! 

Her books are just brilliant - check her website out here: www.lisafaulkner.co.uk

So, next up is the Kitsch and Stitch fair in Cranbrook next weekend (Saturday 5th July) - www.kitschandstitchfair.blogspot.co.uk  i just love this fair - haven't been able to come along to this event for a wee while - so am really looking forward to catching up with some old friends and lovely customers!

Until then - it is packing, sorting, clearing up, and clearing out!!! 

Cue the Blur song: "She lives in a House, A very big* house in the Countreeeee"  (*actually a smallish house!!!)

See you soon, 
Melissa xxx

Bookings now open for The Handmade Festival Workshops

www.simplyvintagedesigns.co.uk/our-events Click on the link above for full booking details for our forthcoming workshops at The H...